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Commons System

This module provides helpers/utilities to abstract away system calls with side effects such as System.exit(). Also system dependnet this such as find out the operating system or opening the operatinfgs systems default browser with an URI.

Exitable Interface and Friends


ExitCode Interface

This interface provides the ability to implement own exit code enums for exitables (section before). Purpose is to provide exit code numbers (as integer) for the exitable to signal a evaluatable return code the JVM emits on exit.


public enum ExitCodeImpl implements ExitCode {

    OK(0), ERROR(1), FATAL(-1);

    private final int code;

    public ExitCodeImpl(final int code) {
        this.code = code;

    public int getCode() [
        return code;


OperatingSystem Enum

This enum helps you to determine the operating system your JVM is running on. It provides three eunum values for the major systems (WINDOWS, LINUX, MACOS) and one for unrecogniezed systems (UNKNOWN).

The enum provides a static factory method which determines the right OS from it’s name.


final String osName = System.getProperty(OperatingSystem.OS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "");
final OperatingSystem os = OperatingSystem.determine(osName);

BrowserLauncher Class

This class tries to open a given URL with the operaings system’s default browser. Supported operating systems are Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.


final BrowserLauncher launcher = new BrowserLauncher();

which is a short hand for:

final String osName = System.getProperty(OperatingSystem.OS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "");
final OperatingSystem os = OperatingSystem.determine(osName);
final BrowserLauncher launcher = new BrowserLauncher(os);