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Welcome to the Minesweeper Project

Java Swing implementation of famous Minesweeper.


You need Java 7 SDK to run the game.

At the moment you can only start the game from command line.

Either clone the repository or download the zip file. In case of zip file you must unpack it. Then move into the directory and invoke the start script. You can pass two parameters

Linux/Mac OS

With default size (8 x 8):

$ cd minesweeper
$ ./bin/minesweeper

with custom size:

$ cd minesweeper
$ ./bin/minesweeper 16 12


Open cmd.exe and change into the minesweeper directory or double click the batch file.

With default size (8 x 8):

> cd minesweeper
> bin\minesweeper.bat

with custom size:

> cd minesweeper
> bin\minesweeper.bat 16 12

Build From Source

You need Maven and Java JDK 7 to build the source.

$ cd minesweeper
$ mvn clean install